Thursday, January 22, 2009

this one is for you

This one is for you, my friend. So often in my heart I have walked with you as you trudged alone on heartbreak land. I have felt the desolate darkness, the betrayal. So many of us are walking there all the time, yesterday, today, tomorrow.
This is not to console you, but sometimes there are no answers for what happens. No reply to the 'why?' which always rises in our hearts as we weep silently. And it all seems so one –sided as we think of all the sacrifices and adjustments we kept doing in the name of love. So, would it mean that there was no love the other side? There was, it just did not reach up to our expectations.
In our naiveté, we waited for getting it all back in equal measure, in a way we were dreaming about. I think that was the beginning of the rift that became a gap and then dwindled into a silent chasm that could not be bridged, ever.
We drew solace from friends who were so with us, so mad at the other side that they hated them, by proxy. But did the other person have the luxury of a friend they could pour their heart out to? We were lucky that in the midst of heartbreak we forged new friendships, we were moving ahead, finding new pursuits, albeit under coercion from our friends.
What did they have? Maybe a king- size guilt that they could not give us much, that we could not have the life we dreamt about together, the children we wanted to have? It’s all so universal, so human that that it has happened all around us and keeps happening. So, where does life take us from here? Once again there are no signposts, no books to go by that works for everyone. Of course there are the self- help books but when we are in heartbreak land, where is the inclination to seek these books?
Some of us are left bitter, with scars that pop open ever so often that we are constantly taking swipes at happy couples and love, some others become stoics and stay away from entanglements, and some of us wear our hearts on our sleeves all the time waiting for the gap to be filled by another love. Yeah, the list goes on, as do the unfinished endings. It goes on…….

1 comment:

  1. made for each other, maybe twins in our last birth
