Thursday, December 25, 2008

my first day!

ok, here goes!
it's amazing or is it funny how we grapple huge losses and heartbreaks inside of us and yet how we tremble when we have to put all those emotions on display? as humans we tend to have this amazing flair for verbalising the inane and internalising the profound!
one wonders whether there is some kind of statistics available on this phenomenon. and it's not as if we are devastated when some of our closely guarded and confided emotions do make the rounds in our personal circles! we then realise, 'o.k, it wasn't so bad after all ,now that most of them do know, the earth still spins on its axis, the moon still waxes and wanes!' life goes on, so does everything around us!
what does change in this nature's
permanent backdrop is our changing fortunes and doesn't help either knowing the whole human race is not exempted from these feelings. i once remember seeing this scene in some movie about some guy who stands in the street and just keeps telling all the passers-by that his father is no more and they are so full of their own thoughts that they make a random and cursory ,irrelevant reply and walk on!
is it etiquette, conditioning,inhibition or a combination of all these that makes some of the world's population so tongue- tied?

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